So, why do I bring up this survey in my Right Click blog? Because it asked responders about solutions to these issues and their answers should be taken seriously.
• 81 percent would like the ability to make an appointment via a secure web service and fill out health/registration forms online prior to their appointment.
• 78 percent would use a secure online method to access their health histories and share information with their provider.
• Younger patients prefer online. 59 percent of Gen Y respondents said they would switch providers for one with better online access compared to 29 percent of baby boomers that would switch – still a substantial number.
• 73 percent want their providers online.
So that leads me to these questions.
• Do you have a website?
• Does it provide the ability to request an appointment?
• Can your patients establish a secure account where they can access their dental records?
• Can they make a payment on their account through your website?
You may be saying that you’ve practiced many years without these services, why should you change now? The younger generation is expecting this of their providers and are willing to change providers to get these services. It would be a right click to start moving in this direction.